Breathing Pattern Re-training

Breathing Pattern Re-training

What is a breathing pattern dysfunction?

A breathing pattern dysfunction (BPD), also known as disordered breathing or dysfunctional breathing (DB), is when the normal pattern of breathing becomes disrupted. It can involve abnormalities in the rate, depth, rhythm, and coordination of breathing, which can result in a variety of uncomfortable symptoms, physiological effects, and health issues.

Common characteristics of a breathing pattern dysfunction include:

  • Mouth breathing
  • Upper chest breathing
  • Taking breaths that are too large or too fast
  • Breath holding
  • Frequent sighing or yawning

Breathing pattern dysfunctions can be caused by a variety of factors, including stress, anxiety, poor posture, muscle imbalances, chronic respiratory conditions or recent respiratory infection, or even learned behaviours. Identifying and addressing the underlying cause is and essential step in managing and treating a breathing pattern dysfunction.

Common signs and symptoms

  • Shortness of breath
  • Feeling of not getting enough air or difficulty taking a satisfying breath
  • Chest tightness or chest pain
  • Palpitations
  • Anxiety or panic attacks
  • Dizziness or fainting
  • Pins and needles in fingers and toes
  • Cramps, twitches or tremors
  • Achey muscles or joints
  • Disturbed sleep
  • Fatigue or tiredness
  • Headaches
  • Difficulty concentrating or brain fog
  • Dry throat and/or cough

It’s important to note that these symptoms can overlap with other medical conditions, so please talk to your GP if you experience any of these symptoms.

How we can help

At Heart & Lung Physio, we are experts in identifying and treating breathing pattern dysfunctions. We can help ease your symptoms and get you on the road to better breathing.

Comprehensive assessment: We begin by conducting a thorough assessment to understand the extent of your symptoms, how they impact your daily life, and to identify underlying cause of your breathing pattern dysfunction. This helps us design a tailored treatment plan that focuses your individual needs and challenges.

Breathing pattern re-training: We will work closely with you to retrain your breathing pattern, teaching you breath control, diaphragmatic breathing, postural correction, and ensure that you’re using your respiratory muscles efficiently.

Gradual progression: Improving your breathing pattern takes time and patience. We start by retraining your breathing pattern at rest and gradually progress to performing various activities and exercise, ensuring that you can integrate your newfound breathing techniques into your daily life.

Continued support: We provide ongoing support and follow-up as necessary to monitor your progress, make any adjustments to your treatment, and offer guidance as you navigate your journey to better breathing. 

Frequently Asked Questions

No, a referral isn’t needed to begin breathing pattern retraining at Heart & Lung Physio. However, it’s essential to discuss your symptoms and concerns with your GP, particularly if you experience any of the common signs and symptoms listed above. These symptoms can sometimes overlap with other medical conditions, so consulting with your GP ensures a comprehensive evaluation of your health and any necessary investigations or referrals to specialists.

Breathing pattern retraining differs from traditional breathing exercises and breath work techniques by concentrating on correcting long-standing, dysfunctional breathing habits. Whilst we acknowledge that traditional breathing exercises and breath work may be helpful for some health conditions and overall well-being, many of the techniques used may in fact reinforce dysfunctional breathing patterns.

At Heart & Lung Physio, we are experts in the assessment and treatment of breathing pattern disorders. We focus on addressing your specific needs, providing guidance throughout the process, and emphasising lasting behavioural change. The individualised approach seamlessly integrates breathing pattern retraining into comprehensive treatment plans, proving especially valuable for people with respiratory conditions. The result is sustainable, long-term improvements in breathing patterns, respiratory function and overall health.

Certain triggers or situations can exacerbate breathing pattern dysfunction such as stress, anxiety, sudden physical exertion, and environments with poor air quality. Additionally, being in positions that restrict diaphragmatic movement, such as sitting for prolonged periods or hunching over electronic devices, can worsen your breathing pattern. Becoming aware of these triggers and learning strategies to manage them can be a part of breathing pattern retraining.

Yes, breathing pattern dysfunction can be associated with various health conditions. It’s often linked to anxiety disorders, panic disorders, chronic pain conditions, asthma, and even some gastrointestinal conditions. Addressing breathing pattern dysfunction can have a positive impact on managing these conditions. Additionally, correcting dysfunctional breathing patterns can contribute to your overall well-being and quality of life. If you suspect that your breathing pattern dysfunction is linked to an underlying health condition, we can conduct a comprehensive assessment and provide appropriate guidance.

Contact us now to book an appointment or to learn more about breathing pattern dysfunction and retraining.

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